
Resources to Help You Collaborate and Thrive During COVID-19

The Wild is committed to supporting our customers during COVID-19. Here are some resources to help you collaborate and thrive. Learn More.
Clay Walsh
April 9, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we know you’ve made major adjustments to the way you work. Technology can help us communicate and collaborate, but our workflows will be put to the test as we maintain social distance and push these tools to their limits. Finding efficient ways to collaborate remotely is crucial to keep your business running—and to keep you motivated and sane during this challenging time. 

Remote work—especially during the coronavirus outbreak—has its own unique pain points. Large files, conflicting schedules, kids at home, and endless video calls can make collaboration hard to manage. It’s a challenge when in-person meetings and being in the office together is suddenly not an option. So we’ve put together a list of tips and tools to help you stay on track.

Asynchronous Collaboration During the Quarantine

Asynchronous collaboration can take many forms, and email is probably the most familiar one. With the sudden shift in everyone's work environments, moving more team communication into email might seem like the best option, especially if you have colleagues who live in different time zones or who are working evenings while watching kids during the day. But lengthy email threads can quickly become unmanageable, and they're a far cry from the in-person collaboration you may be used to.

The Wild provides immersive spaces where you and your team can collaborate on designs in real time or asynchronously, offering you maximum flexibility. You can take notes during meetings or leave comments for co-workers to catch up on later, and since the spaces are persistent, they'll be exactly the same as when you left them.

Recover the Personal Connection

A loss of human connection not only affects our productivity but also our mental health. What’s missing from video and conference calls is spatial context, hand gestures, and body language—the kinds of interactions we’re used to having when we meet with our team members face-to-face. Collaboration in VR/AR can keep your projects moving forward by enabling you to enter an immersive space and experience your work together spatially, helping you ideate on your designs in context and gain a better understanding with your team. 

Lower Bandwidth Means Optimize Your Models 

Giant file sizes and bandwidth aren't a problem when you’re working within a local area network that your IT team manages, but they become a much bigger issue when you’re working from home. Optimizing your files for performance is a must, so keep your models as lightweight as possible. Specifically, with Revit, the best way to do this is by using section boxes. We also have a great article on how to prepare your models for the Oculus Quest (and the tips apply to all 3D models). 

Optimizing with section boxes in Revit

Get Your Content Into the Cloud

The foundation of virtual collaboration is access—access to content, people, and locations, anywhere and on any of your devices. The first step to achieving this is to get your content into the cloud. When you use The Wild, all of your content lives securely in the cloud, making it accessible from any device. Import 2D and 3D files, import your Revit model with our Add-In, or connect your BIM 360 account for easy collaboration. Wherever life takes you, rest assured that your content is saved and accessible in VR.

No VR Headset Required

Some of our customers had to leave their VR equipment behind at their offices. So if you don’t have a VR headset at home (and due to the supply chain issues, you might not be able to get one anytime soon), you can still hop into The Wild via augmented reality on our iOS app or via desktop mode on a Mac or PC.

The Wild for macOS

Take Care of You and Yours

This is undoubtedly the most stressful time we’ve experienced on a global scale, and it’s important to take time to rest and recharge. We’ve pulled together a list of fun activities you can do with your family with or without a VR headset. Enjoy!

For You:

Fitness-Focused VR Experiences - for you to get your indoor sweat on

Mixcloud - DJ mixes and radio shows from indie to classical to dancehall to R&B

Virtual Happy Hour, Anyone? - how to host one with friends or co-workers

The 27 Best Movies of the Decade - for films you’ve missed along the way

Creating a WFH Routine - 10 minutes with me!

Eleven: Table Tennis VR - very realistic and fun

For the Family:

Joe the Body Coach - P.E. workouts to do with your kids

BrainPOP - Video-based educational app (free during school closures)

#DrawTogether - Mon-Fri @ 10am PST

Beat Saber - a VR rhythm game where you slash the beats of adrenaline-pumping music 

Quarantine Cooking” With Kids - making it more manageable and fun

Rec Room - games such as escape rooms, paintball, and more

Chalk Your Walk - together, create an inspiring message on your sidewalk

At The Wild, collaboration is our promise to you. During this global pandemic, we understand how crucial it is for you to collaborate effectively, and we’re working hard every day to better facilitate remote work. If you have a question or need anything from us at all, just reach out. You can find us on the blue chat box on, or email us at

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